
Levan Duchidze

Levan Duchidze

IDLO Country Manager Ukraine

Levan Duchidze currently works as an IDLO Country Manager for Ukraine. His home country Georgia, has gone through very similar experiences in recent history, like Ukraine now. Levan talks about creating the civil service centre in Mariupol, its devastating attack and about his wish to return and rebuild it again.

Levan Duchidze is IDLO Country Director for Ukraine since August 2016. Levan joined IDLO after a distinguished career in the Georgian foreign service and in international relations. Prior to his appointment as Country Director, he served as Business Analyst and Project Coordinator with the IDLO office in Ukraine, where he was responsible for multi-stakeholder engagement and project implementation. Previously, Levan was a Member of the Georgian Parliament. His experience also includes Election Observation with the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy.

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